Honey bees fly up to 2 miles in search of pollen and nectar. Work with us to protect these precious resources!
Click HereThe Wood County Beekeepers’ Association is made up of all types of honey bee lovers: novice, experienced, young and old.
We welcome you to join us as we learn about honey bees. As a group we share our experiences, commiserate over our failures and celebrate our victories.
Together we learn about new techniques and share the “tried and true” of beekeeping.
Encourage and promote beekeeping Serve as a resource for local beekeepers Educate the community about the honey bees and beekeeping Provide a platform for an exchange of ideas and knowledge among beekeepers
Click HereThere is a funny joke that there is definitely money in beekeeping: In what you spend on bees, hives, tools, treatments, etc. The good news is there are different ways to source the equipment and bees for your initial investment in starting beehives, so it is possible to keep the money investment as frugal as you need. Your local club and mentor can help you with options in your area. However, the investment of time can be crucial to the success of your new hives. Planning ahead to give your hives the time they need will help prepare you to meet their needs.
Starting with two hives can greatly increase your chances of success! Things can go wrong in a hive and having a second hive offers you sometimes critical backup for solving problems. If your queen fails in one hive, you can pull eggs from the other hive to give them the foundation for rearing a new one. If one hive is weak, you can strengthen it by pulling brood or honey and pollen supply from its stronger neighbor. These are just a few examples of how having two hives can help increase your rate of success as you begin your beekeeping journey.
No matter how long you keep bees, there will always be new discoveries to enjoy with these fascinating creatures. The best experts know that they are always learning and there are always new insights from research that can help support the best success in beekeeping. If you are feeling like a novice on the front side, take comfort in knowing that we are all learning as we go.
There are a myriad of benefits in adding bees to your landscape, and most of them will show up long before your first honey harvest. You will likely wait until the second year with your beehives to harvest substantial honey, but you can enjoy the other benefits much sooner. Bees will help pollinate the flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables in your yard as soon as you welcome them to their new home, and the joy of getting to know them and their habits is invaluable.
If you face any type of problem, reach out to our support team anytime from anywhere.